Thursday 26 June 2008


Whilst creating the advert for the award evening I did not come across any legal constraints preventing the group from creating the advert. We did not choose to use any copyrighted items such as images or music. I did not come across any legal limitations or constraints for the awards evening.

Leading up to the awards evening I faced a few constraints with creating the advert as there was a few communication problems in the group I was working in. We had all chose a section to cover, after finishing all the task we decided to show the information in a PowerPoint presentation but when we began putting the information together we noticed that some of the research was for a radio advert and some was for a TV adverts so we needed to re-do some of the work to make sure that all the information made sense when presented.

Due to finance we were unable to acquire certain things that could have made the ceremony more enjoyable and presented it in a better fashion such as complimentary beverages as u enter the main hall, entertainers (to keep the audience occupied whilst they wait in the reception area to be seated). For the radio advert I didn’t come across any financial restrictions.

Whilst preparing for the awards ceremony one of the most important jobs was to complete a risk assessment form for each possibility for the hawth. During this task the group lead each other it wasn’t the best of communications or organisation but after speaking with Zillah about the possible risks and safety issues we filled in the assessment forms. Once Zillah had read through the finished piece we had to make a few changes but then completed the risk assessment.

When working on this task we had several meeting with myself Gary and Sam, we spoke about everything that was done the previous lesson and what we needed to complete by the end of the lesson. During breaks or after college we spoke with Kameron and Rob from the other class and told them our ideas and discussed what we had done and if they had any suggestions on what we could add to the list.
The time scales set were reasonable and we got the work done by the deadline. It was a bit rushed as we had other deadlines and work to complete but after working at it we completed it.

The result of the awards evening has been good as it ran successfully and we didn’t encounter any problems. After the awards evening I feel that my contribution to the adverts and the actual awards ceremony would not be suitable in a work place as I was unorganised, left things too late and I didn’t take any notes or pay close attention to what was being said when the risk assessment form was being explained to me.

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